You don’t need to get it right, you just need to get it moving

Starting something new is daunting, scary and may even seem impossible. But take that first step and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can learn.

Image of Mark

About Me

Thanks for stopping by to find out more about me. Where to begin?

My name is Mark Hirst and in mid 2022, I was feeling burned out and tired.

I felt like I had been doing the same thing every day. My life was on autopilot with nothing much to show for it.

I needed a new challenge, something that would stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone.

I had never developed a website or blog before and thought to myself, why not give it a go, and canitpay was born.

Canitpay is me, documenting my journey of developing an online presence with the end goal of generating an income. By taking that simple step of purchasing some web hosting, it has opened up so many new areas of interest that I would have never known about had I not just given it a go.

As a result of taking one small action, I’ve discovered a passion for copywriting, web design, organisation, artificial intelligence, no-code platforms, Online Marketing and many more.

Every day I’m learning something new and that is what truly excites me.

So if you are thinking about starting a business, side hustle, website or anything new, my advice would be to take that first small step, it will take you out of your comfort zone, it will challenge you in ways you don’t expect, but the rewards will be immense .

If you want to get ahead of the curve and benefit from all the great hints tips and tricks about making an income online, then join my weekly newsletter and connect with me on social. I love feedback, and together we can turn our pipe dreams into a reality.